'+data.brief+' '+brief+' '+brief+' 以下文章来源于环球时报GlobalTimes ,作者Global Times 当前,世界百年变局加速演进。中国对世界的影响,从未像今天这样全面、深刻、长远;世界对中国的关注,也从未像今天这样广泛、深切、聚焦。世界如何感受中国变化?怎样看待中国发展?如何认知中国形象?为此,环球时报社启动了一项面向46个国家、5.1万名民众的问卷调查,这也是新中国成立以来,国内开展的规模最大、样本量最多、问卷设计最全面深入的全球民意调查。 As changes unseen in a century accelerate across the world, China’s impact is becoming increasingly comprehensive, profound, and long-lasting. The global attention on China has never been as wide, deep, and focused as it is today. How does the world view the changes in China? What are the global perspectives on China’s development? How does the rest of the world perceive China’s image? To find the answers to these questions, the Global Times launched a survey with 51,332 respondents in 46 countries. This is a global public survey with the largest scale, the largest sample size, and the most comprehensive and in-depth questionnaire design since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. 本次全球调查由环球时报研究院具体执行。调查国家样本中包括14个发达国家和32个发展中国家,涵盖各大洲代表性国家及所有G20国家、金砖国家、东盟国家。不含中国。调查对象样本选取及问卷投放、数据回收等工作依行业规范开展。 The survey was carried out by the Global Times Institute. The survey sample includes 14 developed and 32 developing countries, covering representative countries from every continent and all G20, BRICS, and ASEAN countries, excluding China. The selection of survey subjects, distribution of questionnaires, and data collection were conducted in accordance with industry standards. 调查方式根据不同国家的实际情况采用适宜方式,包括面对面访问(CAPI/PAPI)、计算机辅助电话调查(CATI)、大规模会员样本库在线调查(Online)三种。调查对象为18-70岁的普通民众。数据回收过程中,根据各国人口特征对样本组构成进行了一定程度的配额限定。调查时间为2024年8月至11月。共获得有效样本数据51332份。 The survey methods were adapted to the specific circumstances of each country, employing three approaches: Face-to-face interviews (CAPI/PAPI), computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI), and large-scale online surveys using member sample databases (Online). The survey subjects were ordinary citizens aged 18 to 70. During the data collection process, certain quota limitations were applied to the sample composition based on the demographic characteristics of each country. The survey was conducted from August to November 2024. A total of 51,332 valid sample data sets were collected. 调查数据显示,中国的综合国力及各项实力被国外受访民众普遍评价为“强”。经济实力强获认可比例最高,达77%;其次为科技实力(75%)和金融实力(72%)。年轻群体对中国科技实力的评价更高。非洲国家、金砖国家、中东国家、发展中国家有超过七成民众认为中国综合国力强;该比例在东盟国家和欧洲国家超过六成,在发达国家超过半数。 The survey reveals that China’s comprehensive national strength and various other strengths are generally evaluated as “strong/high” by international respondents. The country’s economic strength has the highest favorable rating at 77 percent, followed by sci-tech strength (75 percent), and financial strength (72 percent). The survey also shows that younger respondents have a higher evaluation of China’s sci-tech strength. More than 70 percent of respondents from African countries, BRICS countries, the Middle East, and developing countries believe that China’s overall national strength is high; this proportion is more than 60 percent in ASEAN and European countries, and more than half in developed countries. 在大国国际地位排名上,分别有20%、27%、17%的国外受访民众将中国排在首位、第二位和第三位,综合计算排名得分居第二名。美国被排在首位的比例为47%。俄罗斯、日本、英国所获排名得分接近,同处第三层级。有相对较多比例的受访者将俄罗斯排在第三位,将英国和日本排在第四位。 In the ranking of the international status of major countries, 20 percent, 27 percent, and 17 percent of foreign respondents rate China first, second, and third, respectively. Based on a comprehensive calculation method, China ranks second. The US is ranked first at 47 percent. Russia, Japan, and the UK have similar scores. A relatively large percentage of respondents place Russia in the third place and the UK and Japan in the fourth place. 调查发现,多数国外民众对中国未来经济增长与发展潜能持积极看法,近八成国外民众对中国发展前景有信心。九成多国外受访民众认为,未来十年中国经济会持续增长,近六成认同中国是世界经济增长的主要动力源。发展中国家、中东国家和金砖国家预期中国经济增速提升的比例超过3/4;非洲国家达85%;欧洲国家和东盟国家的该比例超过七成;发达国家为六成多。 The survey also finds that a majority of international respondents have a positive outlook regarding the prospects of China’s economic growth and development potential. Nearly 80 percent of foreign respondents show confidence in China’s development prospect. More than 90 percent of foreign respondents believe that China’s economy will continue to grow in the next decade, and nearly 60 percent believe that China is a major driving force of world economic growth. More than three-quarters of respondents from developing countries, the Middle East, and BRICS countries expect faster growth of the Chinese economy. In African countries, this proportion reaches 85 percent. Meanwhile, in Europe and ASEAN regions, it exceeds 70 percent. In developed countries, it surpasses 60 percent. 六成国外民众认同中国进一步全面深化改革开放“方向正确”。约2/3认同中国经济前景光明、有潜力,两成持中立态度。非洲国家(81%)对中国经济前景光明的认同比例最高,中东国家、金砖国家、发展中国家的该比例超过七成,欧洲国家和东盟国家超过六成,发达国家超过半数。 Some 60 percent of international respondents agree that China’s continuously deepening reform and opening-up are “in the right direction.” About two-thirds of respondents believe that the future of the Chinese economy is bright and has great potential while about 20 percent expressed a neutral stance. African countries hold the highest favorable view (81 percent), while the proportion of Middle Eastern, BRICS, and developing countries exceeds 70 percent. More than 60 percent of respondents from European and ASEAN countries believe that the Chinese economy is bright and has great potential while more than 50 percent of developed countries hold the same view. 调查问卷让被访者自主描绘其过去一年里对中国的突出印象。统计发现,各国民众使用率最高的关键词包括“经济”“技术/科技”“发展/发达”“好”“强大/强国”“先进/创新”“文化/文明”“商品/产品”“人口众多”“中餐/美食”等。在发达国家、欧洲国家、中东国家和东盟国家,“经济”被提及的频次居首;在发展中国家、非洲国家、金砖国家,“技术”被提及的频次最高。 The questionnaire included a question asking respondents to describe their main impression of China over the past year. The results show that the frequently used key words include “economy,” “technology/science and technology,” “developing/developed,” “good,” “strong/strong country,” “advanced/innovation,” “culture/civilization,” “goods/products,” “large population,” and “Chinese food/cuisine.” In developed, European, Middle Eastern, and ASEAN countries, the term “economy” is mentioned most frequently, while in developing, African, and BRICS countries, the term “technology” is mentioned most frequently. 调查数据显示,国外受访民众对中国感兴趣的比例超过九成,四成民众对中国感兴趣的程度很高,包括14%的“极其感兴趣”和26%的“非常感兴趣”。发展中国家民众(95%)对中国感兴趣的比例高于发达国家(86%)。在对中国的主观情感方面,总体有63%的国外民众表示对中国有好感,两成持中立态度。从不同国家群组来看,非洲国家的对华好感度最高,达84%;拉美国家、金砖国家和发展中国家超过七成,东盟国家接近七成,中东国家超过六成;欧洲国家对华好感度接近半数,约三成持中立态度。 The survey also shows that more than 90 percent of foreign respondents have an interest in China and 40 percent have a high level of interest in China, including 14 percent who are “extremely interested” and 26 percent who are “very interested.” Respondents in developing countries (95 percent) show a higher interest in China than those in developed countries (86 percent). In terms of subjective sentiment toward China, 63 percent of foreign respondents express a favorable opinion of China, while 20 percent hold a neutral attitude. In terms of different country groups, African countries hold the highest favorable view of China, reaching 84 percent. This figure is more than 70 percent in Latin American, BRICS, and developing countries, with nearly 70 percent in ASEAN countries and more than 60 percent in Middle East countries. Nearly half of European countries have a favorable opinion of China, and about 30 percent hold a neutral attitude. 关于对中国和中国人的综合评价,近六成国外民众对中国的整体印象评价为“好”,中立态度为三成多。对中国的科学技术和经济发展持有好印象的比例为74%、72%,对中国文化持有好印象的比例超过六成。55%的国外民众对中国人的整体印象评价为“好”,36%持中立态度。中国人的奋斗精神和创新精神给七成多国外民众留下了好印象。 As for the overall evaluation of China and the Chinese people, nearly 60 percent of foreign respondents have a “good” impression and over 30 percent hold a neutral attitude. 74 percent and 72 percent of respondents have a good impression of Chinese science and technology and China’s economic development respectively. More than 60 percent of respondents have a good impression of Chinese culture. 55 percent of foreign respondents have an overall positive impression of the Chinese people, while 36 percent hold a neutral attitude. More than 70 percent of foreign respondents have a good impression of the hardworking and innovative spirit of the Chinese people. 本次调查还列举了10余项有代表性的中国事物,并逐一向国外民众询问喜爱与否。其中,长城(67%)、高铁(65%)、熊猫(63%)、智能手机(61%)的获喜爱比例超过六成,过境免签(57%)、电动汽车(55%)和网络购物(55%)的获喜爱比例超过半数,中餐(48%)和TikTok(48%)的获喜爱比例接近半数。数据比较发现,发达国家民众相对更喜欢长城、熊猫、中餐等中国传统事物,中东国家、金砖国家和非洲国家的民众相对更喜欢高铁、智能手机、网购、电动汽车等中国新事物。 The survey also lists more than 10 representative things about China and asks international respondents whether they like them or not. Among them, the popularity of the Great Wall (67%), high-speed rail (65%), pandas (63%), and smart phones (61%) all exceed 60 percent. More than 50 percent of foreign respondents choose the visa-free transit (57%), electric vehicles (55%), and online shopping (55%). Chinese cuisine (48%) and TikTok (48%) are preferred by nearly half of respondents. Data comparisons show that respondents in developed countries show a relatively higher preference for traditional Chinese symbols like the Great Wall, panda and Chinese cuisine, while respondents in Middle Eastern, BRICS, and African countries express a higher preference for high-speed rail, smart phones, online shopping, electric vehicles, and other new things in China. 近七成(69%)国外受访民众期待中国未来更多参与国际事务或发挥更大作用。近九成(88%)支持中国在有关国际机构、机制或平台中主动发挥更大作用。八成多期待中国在经贸合作与教科文两个领域作出更多国际贡献;近3/4期待中国在国际秩序建设、维护和平稳定方面发挥更大作用。 Nearly 70 percent (69%) of overseas respondents look to China to participate in international affairs more and play a greater role. Nearly 90 percent (88%) of the respondents support China in actively playing a greater role in relevant international organizations, mechanisms, or platforms. More than 80 percent hope China could make more international contributions in economic and trade cooperation, education, science and technology, and culture; Nearly three-quarters of the respondents look to China to play a greater role in building international order, and maintaining peace and stability. 国外受访民众对“构建人类命运共同体”的认知率达66%,对三大全球倡议和共建“一带一路”倡议的认知率为七成左右。对“平等有序的世界多极化”和“普惠包容的经济全球化”两项主张,国外民意有超过半数认同,中立态度约三成,不认同比例为个位数。 International respondents’ recognition rate of “building a community with a shared future for mankind” reaches 66 percent, and on the three major global initiatives (Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, and Global Civilization Initiative) and the Belt and Road Initiative, the recognition rate is about 70 percent. In terms of the promotion of “an equal and orderly multi-polar world” and “a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization,” more than half of respondents are in agreement, about 30 percent are neutral, and those who disagree are in the single digits. “全球南方”崛起,对世界发展变化的意义重大。调查发现,绝大多数国外受访民众认同中国是“全球南方”一员,仅4%持相反看法。有明显更高比例希望中国推动“全球南方”国家共同维护世界和平、守护文明多样性、促进经济合作、提升国际话语权。 The rise of the Global South holds great significance for the world’s development and change. According to the survey, the majority of foreign respondents agree that China is a member of the Global South, with only 4 percent having an opposite opinion. There is a significantly higher proportion of respondents that hope China will push Global South countries to jointly safeguard world peace, protect the diversity of civilizations, promote economic cooperation, and enhance international discourse power. 关于中国与发展中国家的关系,调查数据显示,有明显更高比例的国外民众认同中国是发展中国家的合作伙伴,帮助其提升工业化和现代化水平、开拓发展机遇、加强经济基础建设,而非西方舆论炮制的“新殖民主义”“债务陷阱”“资源掠夺”“输出过剩产能”等。非洲国家有超过六成民众认同中国的积极贡献,持负面观点的约为一成。 About China’s relationship with other developing countries, data from the survey shows that a significantly higher proportion of respondents agree that China is a partner to fellow developing countries, and helps them promote industrialization and modernization, explore development opportunities and improve economic infrastructure, instead of “practicing Neo-colonialism,” “creating a debt trap,” “plundering resources,” “transferring overcapacity”, among others, as portrayed by some Western media sources. In Africa, over 60 percent of respondents recognize China’s positive contributions, while those holding negative opinions account for only about 10 percent. 关于地区热点问题,调查数据显示,有超过六成国外民众期待中国未来更多参与中东地区事务并发挥更大作用;中东国家该比例接近3/4,超过半数表示出较高程度期待。中国呼吁巴以双方停火和联合国大会休战草案均获半数以上比例的认可、两成多中立和极少量不认可。在俄乌冲突问题上,期待中国参与协调的比例为46%,一成希望中国“完全不参与”。 Regarding regional hotspots, survey data shows that more than 60 percent of foreign respondents expect China to take part more in Middle East affairs, and play a bigger role in the future. In Middle Eastern countries, the proportion reaches three-quarters, with more than half of the respondents expressing high expectations. More than half of respondents hold favorable views about China’s call for ceasefire between Palestine and Israel and the UNGA resolution calling for humanitarian truce in Gaza, more than 20 percent are neutral, and very few are in disapproval. In terms of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, 46 percent of respondents look to China to participate in coordination, and 10 percent hope that China will “stay out of related affairs.” 中美关系攸关两国,牵动世界。调查发现,当前国际民意总体希望两国关系稳定向好。数据显示,超七成受访民众希望未来中美关系“趋向缓和”或“保持现状”,仅一成多希望“趋向冲突”。在美国,也有相对多数(38%)民众期待两国关系“趋向缓和”,是“趋向冲突”比例(18%)的两倍多。调查发现,过去一年,美国民众对华好感度有所改善。 The state of China-US relations concerns both countries and affects the world as a whole. The survey finds that currently, international opinion generally favors a stable and improving China-US relationship. Statistics show that more than 70 percent of respondents hope that China-US relations will be “eased” or “maintain the status quo” in the future, and only about one in ten of the respondents hope that it will head “toward conflict.” In the US, 38 percent of respondents hope that China-US relations could be “eased,” twice more than those who choose “toward conflict” (18%). The survey also finds that in the last year, Americans’ favorable impression of China has improved. 关于南海问题最合适的解决方案,超过六成东盟国家民众支持当事国谈判协商、搁置争议共同开发,菲律宾民众选择该项的比例为65%。 In terms of the most proper solution for the South China Sea, more than 60 percent of respondents from ASEAN countries express support for the countries concerned to engage in negotiation and consultation, shelve differences and seek joint development, with 65 percent of respondents from the Philippines choosing this option. 中国已同183个国家建立外交关系,成为150多个国家和地区的主要贸易伙伴。调查发现,超过八成国外受访民众认为本国与中国的关系是友好的、正常的、战略合作的,一成将中国视为竞争对手。 China has established diplomatic relations with 183 countries, and become the main trading partner of more than 150 countries and regions. The survey finds that more than 80 percent of foreign respondents believe their countries’ relationship with China is friendly, normal, and strategically cooperative, and 10 percent of respondents see China as a “competitor.” 数据比较发现,非洲国家大多数民众将中国视为“战略合作伙伴”或“友好国家”;发展中国家、东盟国家、中东国家、金砖国家的民众将中国视为“战略合作伙伴”“友好国家”“正常关系国家”的比例相对较高;欧洲国家将中国视为“友好国家”“正常关系国家”的比例相对较高;发达国家将中国视为“正常关系国家”的比例相对较高。 Statistics suggest that most respondents from African countries consider China a “strategic cooperative partner” or “friendly country”; people in developing, ASEAN, Middle Eastern, and BRICS countries have a relatively high percentage of seeing China as a “strategic cooperative partner,” a “friendly country” or a “country with normal relations.” In European countries, the proportion of respondents that consider China a “friendly country” or a “country with normal relations” is relatively high, while for developed countries as a whole, the proportion of those seeing China as a “country with normal relations” is relatively high. 关于本国与中国关系的未来变化,62%的国外民众希望变得更好,26%希望保持不变。非洲国家希望本国与中国未来关系更好的比例超过八成;发展中国家、中东国家和金砖国家的该比例为近七成;东盟国家超过六成。95%的国外民众欢迎中国人到访本国,其中,旅游最受欢迎(64%),其次为投资(50%)、工作(46%)、留学/访学(45%)。中国优化实施过境免签政策后,近七成受访者表示未来愿意来访中国。 When asked about the future change of China’s relationship with their own countries, 62 percent of international respondents hope to see improvement, and 26 percent hope the relationship will remain unchanged. In African countries, more than 80 percent of respondents hope that their home countries will have a better relationship with China; in developing, Middle Eastern, and the BRICS countries, the proportion is near 70 percent; in ASEAN countries, the proportion is more than 60 percent. 95 percent of international respondents welcome Chinese visitors to their countries, with tourism being the most preferred purpose (64%), followed by investment (50%), work (46%), and study or academic visits (45%). With China’s implementation of visa-free transit policy, almost 70 percent of respondents have expressed willingness to visit China in the future. 调查数据显示,年轻群体对中国有更大兴趣、更好印象、更高热情、更强认同。如,40岁以下年龄组人群对中国感兴趣的比例、期待中国未来更多参与国际事务的比例,均高于40岁以上年龄组5个多百分点;前组对中国有好感、对中国整体印象好、愿意到访中国、了解中国重大倡议/理念的比例,均高于后组10个百分点。 Data from the survey also shows that young people have more interest in, better impression of, greater passion for, and higher approval of China. For instance, in terms of interest in China and the expectation for greater Chinese participation in international affairs, respondents under the age of 40 who hold favorable opinions outnumber those in the 40-plus age group by more than 5 percentage points. Among the options of having a favorable impression of China, being willing to visit China, and understanding China’s major initiatives/concepts, the proportion of the former group is 10 percentage points higher than that of the latter group. 原标题:《【环球双语】中国国际形象全球调查报告首次发布!》 阅读原文 本文为澎湃号作者或机构在澎湃新闻上传并发布,仅代表该作者或机构观点,不代表澎湃新闻的观点或立场,澎湃新闻仅提供信息发布平台。申请澎湃号请用电脑访问http://renzheng.thepaper.cn。 Android版 iPhone版 iPad版 沪ICP备14003370号 沪公网安备31010602000299号 ? 2014-2025 上海东方报业有限公司