编者按:2024年12月12-13日,由波兰共和国科教部等多家欧洲机构支持召开了“超越欧洲:AI在国际关系与沟通中机遇与挑战”主题论坛,来自世界10多个国家的政要专家学者参会。13日上午,以“中国:‘全球南方’科技领袖”为主题的分论坛上,中国人民大学重阳金融研究院院长王文受邀参加,与阿尔巴尼亚前外长阿里亚·斯塔诺娃等多国嘉宾一起就全球高科技形势进行了讨论。王文就“高科技霸权”的警示受到了广泛关注。现将演讲视频及中英文内容发布如下: 非常感谢Nowiak教授的邀请,给我这个机会与各位分享对中国高科技政策与中美关系的看法。 我首先想和各位聊一聊高科技霸权对全球安全的威胁。当然,我首先要说,高科技带给人们许多便利,但另一方面,智能科技革命正在形成新的技术鸿沟。这是非常需要警惕的。 在全球20大经济体中,8个是国家,还有9家是高科技公司,微软、苹果、英伟达、谷歌、亚马逊以及特斯拉、台积电、博通(Broadcom)、三星。高科技公司数量超过国家数量。更重要的是,高科技公司的力量,已超过世界绝大多数国家的力量。 高科技公司通过数据算法、信息通讯操纵了世界上绝大多数人的思考,甚至操纵选举。 许多证据已表明,美国政府与高科技公司合作,正在形成新的科技霸权,美国在全球设立600多个军事基地,正在监视全世界,包括有可能监视我们每一个人。 在这种高科技霸权的等级制结构中,欧洲、日本都已变成弱国。其他国家与地区,基本没有高科技公司,都必须依赖于美国。这是对全球安全新的最大威胁。 我不知道,你们是否知道一个新词,叫“认知战”,那就是利用高科技影响人们的认知与思考。问题是,谁在对我们发动这场“认知战”?我们必须思考,我们必须产生文化自觉意识。 第二点,我想与各位分享中国科技崛起的意义。 过去10年,中国是世界上唯一一个在高科技自主创新方面摆脱美国控制的国家。中国正在成为一个独立的高科技力量,并且愿意平等、自由地分享科技产品,包括5G基站、新能源车、光伏产品等。 目前中国布局的5G基站占世界的60%,但价格只有美国主导的40%,更便宜,且性能更好。 中国品牌的新能源车占有世界的70%以上,但平均价格只有美国主导的2/3;中国光伏产业占全世界市场份额80%以上,价格是20年前由美国、日本垄断时期的10%。 非常明显,中国正在让整个世界享有更优惠、更平等的高科技生活。用不了多久,我们的电脑系统会更便宜,而不是只能用微软一家;芯片也会更便宜,因为中国正在崛起。 由此看,中国的反高科技垄断,正是美国要遏制中国、发动高科技战的本质原因。 最后一点,我想与大家分享的是,我们需要科技的共同进步。 中国明确反对美国“小院高墙”的科技政策。科技属于全人类,不能成为一个国家霸权的工具,也不能成为一个国家获得暴利垄断的工具。 目前中国每年大约向全世界投资1500亿美元,是全球最大的对外投资国家之一,其中相当大一部分是工业投资、科技投资。中国从来不保留科技转让与分享。 过去两年,我曾调研过巴西、波兰、印尼、阿联酋、俄罗斯等30多个国家,我亲眼看到了中国在各个国家投资的科技合作进展。 是的,我们需要科技平等、科技创新、科技分享、科技进步。 如果没有科技的共同进步,很多国家仍然会在高科技霸权的垄断之下。如果那样,未来,非洲发展没有希望,拉丁美洲没有希望,中东欧也没有希望,包括波兰也没有希望。 更糟糕的是,我再简单地进行设想,如果一些国家的大公司控制AI,再由AI控制世界,世界会变得更危险。这是一个非常严肃的话题。对此,中国已经提出了“全球AI治理倡议”,欧洲也有类似的设想,我们可以多合作。 ▲会议主题 Thank you very much for the invitation from Professor Nowiak. Thank you for giving me such a great opportunity to share my views on China's high-tech policies and the relationship between China and the United States. I would first like to talk about the threat of high-tech hegemony to global security. Of course, the first thing I want to say is that high-tech brings people a lot of convenience, but on the other hand, the intelligent technology revolution is forming a new technological divide or gap. This requires great vigilance. Among the top 20 economies in the world, 8 are countries and 9 are high-tech companies, including Microsoft, Apple, (Nvidia), Google, Amazon, (Tesla), TSMC, Broadcom, and Samsung. The number of high-tech companies exceeds the number of countries. More importantly, the power of high-tech companies has surpassed that of the vast majority of countries in the world. High tech companies manipulate the thinking of the vast majority of the world's population and even manipulate elections through data algorithms and information communication. Many pieces of evidence have shown that, the US government is collaborating with high-tech companies to form a new technological hegemony. The US has established over 600 military bases worldwide and is monitoring the entire world, including potentially every one of us now. In this hierarchical structure of high-tech hegemony, Europe and Japan have both become weak countries. Other countries and regions generally do not have high-tech companies and must rely on the United States. This is the biggest new threat to global security. I don't know whether you know a new term called ‘cognitive warfare’, which refers to the use of high technology to influence people's cognition and thinking. The question is, who is waging this ‘cognitive war’ against us? We must think, we must generate cultural consciousness. Secondly, I would like to share with you the significance of China's technological rise. In the past decade, China has been the only country in the world to break free from United States’ control in high-tech independent innovation. China is becoming an independent high-tech force and is willing to share technology products equally and freely, including 5G stations, new energy vehicles, photovoltaic products, etc. At present, China's 5G stations account for 60% of the world's total, but China’s prices are only 40% of those dominated by the United States, which is cheaper and has better performance; Chinese brands account for 70% or more of the world's new energy vehicles, but their average prices are only 2/3 of those dominated by the United States; The Chinese photovoltaic industry accounts for over 80% of the global market share, and its price is only 10% of what it was 20 years ago when it was monopolized by the United States and Japan. So it is very obvious that China is providing the whole world with a more favorable and equal high-tech lifestyle. It would not be long before our computer system becomes cheaper, instead of relying on Microsoft; Chips will also be cheaper because China is rising now. From this perspective, China's anti high-tech monopoly is the fundamental reason why the United States wants to contain China and launch a high-tech war. The third point, also the last point I want to share with everyone is that we need the common progress of high-tech. China opposes the United States' "small courtyard, high wall" technology policy. Technology belongs to all mankind and cannot become a tool for a country's hegemony, nor can it become a tool for a country to gain huge profits and monopolize. Now China invests $150 billion annually in the world, making it one of the largest outward investor in the world, with a significant portion of this investment coming from industrial and technological sectors. China has never reserved technology skills, transfer and sharing. In the past two years, I have conducted research in over 30 countries including Brazil, Poland, Indonesia, the UAE, and Russia. I have personally witnessed the progress of China's technological cooperation in investing in various countries. Yes, we need technological equality, technological innovation, technological sharing, and technological progress. Without the common progress of technology, many countries will still be under the monopoly of high-tech hegemony. If that's the case, there will be no hope for Africa's development in the future, no hope for Latin America, no hope for Central and Eastern Europe, including Poland. Even worse, if I simply imagine that some large companies in certain countries control AI, and then AI controls the world, the world will become even more dangerous. This is a very serious topic. In response, China has proposed the "Global AI Governance Initiative", and Europe has similar ideas. So I think we can cooperate more in the future. Thank you again for the wonderful invitation. Thank you. // 人大重阳 中国人民大学重阳金融研究院(人大重阳)成立于2013年1月19日,是重阳投资向中国人民大学捐赠并设立教育基金运营的主要资助项目。 作为中国特色新型智库,人大重阳聘请了全球数十位前政要、银行家、知名学者为高级研究员,旨在关注现实、建言国家、服务人民。目前,人大重阳下设7个部门、运营管理4个中心(生态金融研究中心、全球治理研究中心、中美人文交流研究中心、中俄人文交流研究中心)。近年来,人大重阳在金融发展、全球治理、大国关系、宏观政策等研究领域在国内外均具有较高认可度。 特别声明:以上内容(如有图片或视频亦包括在内)为自媒体平台“网易号”用户上传并发布,本平台仅提供信息存储服务。 Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.